For a while there I thought I was okay with not blogging. That I wasn't really all that passionate about it and that it didn't make me happy.
I was horribly, horribly wrong.
After reading my past entries on this site I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. With a fist full of love. Because that awesome feeling of "mm" came over as soon as I remembered what it was like to sit here, listening to lame music, clacking away on the keys. It feels GREAT. Absolutely amazing.
So last weekend I had a dance party with my friends. And it was the lamest thing I've ever done but I think it's become an obsession. Because now every time I hear a song with any kind of recognizable beat I HAVE to dance. No matter what. No matter where I am. Even if it's just a hand jive, I have to dance. Sometimes you have to do things like that to keep yourself from going insane.
And I have this other obsession. Wrapping presents. I absolutely adore wrapping presents. I volunteer to wrap presents. I wrap things for myself and then open them and it's this little box that says "WRAP ME PLEASE" so i do. And that goes on for a while. Except that doesn't really happen. But It would be totally sweet if it did.
And I realize that this blog is quite possibly the worst and most random blog I have ever written in my life. Because, as I mentioned earlier, school has been hoarding all of my creativity. But Christmas break is fast approaching and it is my goal to worry you faithful readers (however many are left after such a blog drought) about the many strange ramblings that I just might come up with. So cheers to that!