When I see other people's feet, I think they look strange. I am slightly disturbed by the feet of others. The big toe looks a little misshapen, or their toes aren't as long, or maybe that key foot vein is not visible. It's despicable.
And I obviously know that my thoughts are delusional, and that my feet are probably not that great, that they disgust people when I decide to wear sandals all summer. And I know that I only think my feet are what feet are really supposed to look like because they are my own, and that is what I'm used to.
And there is no real reason for this post but to ask the people of the Internet if they feel the same way about their feet. Because I need to know if I should start seeing someone about my foot narcissism.
I must say my dear, that you have lovely feet. And your blogs are still really funny, im glad you're still doing them. <3
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