There's something about waking up at 1 in the afternoon, after approximately 12 hours fairly uninterrupted sleep that makes a person want to blog. That makes me want to blog. I have doubts that many other people get that feeling. Some would feel like jogging (although not today because there seems to be another storm over our heads), or cleaning the house, perhaps (And if you have seen my room in the past few years, you will know that waking up in a good mood still is not enough to do some recreational cleaning). I'm actually quite sure that there are many things people would chose to do on a lazy Saturday other than blog. But I am not many people. I am me and I chose to blog. Now, if you've stayed with me so far, some actual blogging will begin shorty. Like, right now.
You know, I think I am going to stick with what I was talking about before, in a list! Because, I haven't written lists on here before, but those who know me from myspace know that I love lists. But this is not a blog about lists, this is a list blog (and they have very distinct differences, believe me). So, on with the blog (finally)...
Things I Could Do Instead of Blogging (And why I don't):
1. Start and emu farm
They would probably turn into zombie emus, somehow. And eat me.
2. Make macaroni pictures
My mom would yell at me for eating the paste.
3. Construct a scale model of Tony Danza out of Lego
Not enough Lego.
4. Golf
I lost my 5-iron. (And I suck. And I don't know what a 5-iron would be used for.)
5. Make the world's largest Caesar salad
Would cause a great crouton famine. That's the last thing the world needs right now. Al Gore would come after me.
6. Turn into a mad scientist and create a herd of mini-cows that would graze in my back yard
Mini-cows still emit large amounts of methane gas. Al Gore would come after me.
7. Tend to the elephants
The mini-cows and emu-zombies ate them!
8. Make real X-ray goggles and sell them to small children for unreasonable prices
If they're real, people can see boobs and such.
9. High five everyone
Some people have gross hands. And diseases.
10. Bomb Iraq
Oh, wait, see, George Bush should have a blog.
11. Prove the Existence of Aliens
They would abduct me, and my mini-cows. And Al Gore.
12. Re-elect Pluto as a Planet
I don't think you can elect planets. And the space people would probably send their aliens after me.
13. Buy a Funny hat and sing karaoke
Been there, done that.
14. Cut the Grass
I have mini-cows to do that for me.
15. Kidnap Al Gore
So I could have my mini-cows, and Caesar salad. I would blame it on alien abduction.
(This list was pretty much half written by my boyfriend, because he's hilarious. Check him out here.)
What would you be doing if you weren't currently reading this blog?
2. Make macaroni pictures
That one is for sure my favourite. I'm so sorry that i haven't had time to read any of your blogs! I have some catching up to do i guess:)
Haha all of the things about AlGore made me laugh continuously throughout the whole blog. And I'm really wishibng I had mini-cows right now.
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