Last night I was so proudly telling my boyfriend that I had not been horribly sick in such a long time, and that that was rather odd because I usually catch some sort of bug at least once a year, and I take that opportunity to be a big baby about it and complain about everything. After informing him of this, I proceeded to knock on my desk -my wood desk- because I am superstitious in ways, and I did not want to jinx my healthy state of being.
I have reason to be superstitious, you see. About a month ago my dear friend was talking about getting a kink in her neck. I decided to mention that I had never gotten a kink in my neck and I thought it looked pretty funny when she showed up to school with her head tilted to one side. I did not find the need to knock on any wood products.
I woke up the very next morning with a kink in my neck.
My very first ever neck-kink. I spent 3 days not being able to look to the right without feeling like I was being stabbed in the neck with a very sharp knife. I no longer think it's funny when people come to school with tilted heads.
Now I am doubting the classification of particle board as wood. Because I woke up deathly ill this morning. Deathly ill and feeling rather dehydrated. Trying to fix this dehydration issue led me to discover that I wasn't even able to hold down water. Not even for a minute. So after getting rid of this obviously unneeded sip of water, I went into the living room and curled up in a ball of pain. My mom asked if i was okay, I said no. And then I fell asleep.
I woke up feeling better. I drank some water. And waited. And then I thanked my stomach for letting me replenish my cells. I spent the rest of the day sitting and eating toast and crackers.
My family had pizza for supper. I did not. My mom didn't think it was a good idea. I was angry, until I found the superfries. My mom said superfries should be fine, and since there really weren't that many left, I should just make the rest of the bag. I told her that I wouldn't be eating them all, because I was still feeling fairly sick. When they got out of the oven, I inhaled every last fry crumb without hesitation. Because superfries are just that good. I don't care if I stay up all night tossing fries, because now I am satisfied.
Do you consider yourself to be a superstitious person? Have you ever jinxed yourself?

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Humorous Math Terms
Because I am a slightly nerdy person, I was just thinking about math. No, not about the Pythagorean theorem or the quadratic formula, just about words. There are some words used by the mathematically gifted that make you wonder why the inventor of said terms did not put more focus on their English. After saying them once or twice it is clear that they do not sound intelligent at all, but merely quite ridiculous. Here are some terms I can think of off the top of my head (although I guarantee there are many more, that may be added on a later date.)
1. Sinusoidal
This word makes me irritated, because it is almost impossible to say it in a normal voice. The speaker of this word almost always gains a nasal tone. Sine-you-SOY-Dal. (unplug your nose...)Sinusoidal.
2. Logarithm
Now I suppose there is nothing wrong with this word, and it is just me and my active imagination taking over. Wherever I hear or read the word "logarithm", I instantly get an image in my head of a freshly chopped log dancing around to a steady beat. (Log-rhythm, if that was confusing.)
3. Asymptote
I think it was my very own math teacher that really ruined this wonderful word for me (Though it wasn't much better without her help...) Even though the P is clearly positioned before the T, she insists on pronouncing it "ASS-IM-TOPE" (or, as I like to say, "ass-in-tope"). Now this was fine, until the first time I heard her say "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT TOUCH THE ASS-IN-TOPE!"
You can only imagine my reaction. (i.e.: giggling immaturely)
And now I have a question for you: What is the most rediculous word you have ever heard, and what do you think of when you hear it?
1. Sinusoidal
This word makes me irritated, because it is almost impossible to say it in a normal voice. The speaker of this word almost always gains a nasal tone. Sine-you-SOY-Dal. (unplug your nose...)Sinusoidal.
2. Logarithm
Now I suppose there is nothing wrong with this word, and it is just me and my active imagination taking over. Wherever I hear or read the word "logarithm", I instantly get an image in my head of a freshly chopped log dancing around to a steady beat. (Log-rhythm, if that was confusing.)
3. Asymptote
I think it was my very own math teacher that really ruined this wonderful word for me (Though it wasn't much better without her help...) Even though the P is clearly positioned before the T, she insists on pronouncing it "ASS-IM-TOPE" (or, as I like to say, "ass-in-tope"). Now this was fine, until the first time I heard her say "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT TOUCH THE ASS-IN-TOPE!"
You can only imagine my reaction. (i.e.: giggling immaturely)
And now I have a question for you: What is the most rediculous word you have ever heard, and what do you think of when you hear it?
Friday, March 16, 2007
My Salamander

I have a pet salamander. His name is, surprisingly, Salamander, though he has gotten quite a few nicknames in the 6 months that we've had him living in the lap of luxury. Most of the time I call him Creature, although some less flattering nicknames have come out, including Stinky, Stink ball, Savage (when he makes a particularly ferocious snap at my food offerings), and Cutie (which I'm sure makes him feel very manly). My dad insists that he is a girl (which probably makes him feel much worse than when I call him cute) and usually calls him Sally or some variation of that. And my mother, well, she's too busy stuffing food in the poor things mouth and sending him on a long and painful road to obese-dom to give him a proper name. She insists that he's "Just a little boy!" and should get as much food as he wants. I object, and every time he decides to trek out from under his log when others are watching, I point out that he's gotten much rounder since the last time we actually saw his whole body.
One unfortunate night my cute little creature decided that he was not happy with something in his wonderfully designed storage box-turned-terrarium and decided it was time to make his disappointment known. I
looked over and saw him scaling the wall of the box. This was quite shocking since he usually doesn't even soak in his pool while the lights are turned on. We did an emergency soil-change, and all has been well ever since.

Though many people think that a salamander is probably one of the most unappealing pets out there, I have to disagree (obviously). I get great pleasure out of having him around. He's started to recognize me as one of his "feeders" (although he probably likes my mom better, because he knows she cant resist him), and every time he sees me looking for him, he stretches his neck out from under his log and gives me a cute little salamander smile. He also has a few quirks, like his obsession with chicken, his need to attack anything that moves, and his bathing ritual (in the tub, every night at 8 o'clock). I love just watching him, he's so adorable.
I realize that a salamander can be considered an odd choice for a pet, which leads me to my question for you marvelous blog readers:
What is the strangest pet you or someone you know has had? What pet do you wish you had?
Monday, March 12, 2007
What the Time Change Means to Me...
This is my first non-myspace blog ever! I'm trying to not blog so seriously all the time, although I'm not sure how well that's working. Let me know what you think..
Today was the first "real" day after the unfortunate clock-changing experience on Saturday night. It was a long day. But when I walked out into the first warm day in what's felt like forever, an instant feeling of Spring came over me. Supper was eaten while the sun was still in plain view, and that annoying glare was still on the TV when Everybody Loves Raymond came on. When I realized that Spring was upon us, another thought struck me. A dreaded thought that I knew was comming but am never really prepared for. And that thought was... It's time to shave my legs.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do not lock up the razor all winter. I do shave when I am starting to feel like I will never be a female again if I let this go on. But those gender-defining moments are nothing like the end-of-winter, make-sure-you-do-a-good-job-of-it experiences.
So, after supper, when the sun was still shining, I went and got a brand new 2-blade bulk razor from the handy resealable bag that my mom so kindly purchased for me. I told myself that it would all be worth it in the end, and went ahead and did it.
Now let me tell you, 2-blade disposable razors, though claiming to be wonderfully designed with you in mind, do not live up to their promises. A long battle for smoothness ensued, but after a good half hour, I walked out of the shower in one piece, having left not one drop of warm water behind. It wasn't all fun and games though, as I did end up with a few battle scars which have now been doctored and are already showing signs of recovery.
And now I sit here, relieved that this ordeal is over, and kicking my legs back and forth so my pyjama pants will billow over my extremely smooth and touchable legs.
Today was the first "real" day after the unfortunate clock-changing experience on Saturday night. It was a long day. But when I walked out into the first warm day in what's felt like forever, an instant feeling of Spring came over me. Supper was eaten while the sun was still in plain view, and that annoying glare was still on the TV when Everybody Loves Raymond came on. When I realized that Spring was upon us, another thought struck me. A dreaded thought that I knew was comming but am never really prepared for. And that thought was... It's time to shave my legs.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do not lock up the razor all winter. I do shave when I am starting to feel like I will never be a female again if I let this go on. But those gender-defining moments are nothing like the end-of-winter, make-sure-you-do-a-good-job-of-it experiences.
So, after supper, when the sun was still shining, I went and got a brand new 2-blade bulk razor from the handy resealable bag that my mom so kindly purchased for me. I told myself that it would all be worth it in the end, and went ahead and did it.
Now let me tell you, 2-blade disposable razors, though claiming to be wonderfully designed with you in mind, do not live up to their promises. A long battle for smoothness ensued, but after a good half hour, I walked out of the shower in one piece, having left not one drop of warm water behind. It wasn't all fun and games though, as I did end up with a few battle scars which have now been doctored and are already showing signs of recovery.
And now I sit here, relieved that this ordeal is over, and kicking my legs back and forth so my pyjama pants will billow over my extremely smooth and touchable legs.
Being Nice Never Hurt Anyone
The last old myspace blog for the night..
I read a story today. I've read it before, but when I read it today, it made me think. Not like you didn't see that phrase comming, "It made me think". I probably use that in almost all of my blogs. Which makes sense, blogs are inspired by thoughts. But anyways..
The story was about this boy, we'll call him Joe. So Joe was walking home from school, carrying an armload of stuff, and dropped it all on the sidewalk. There happened to be another boy walking past him at the time, who I will call Bob because I am unable to think of creative names. Bob stopped and helped Joe pick up his things. They ended up becomming great friends. And then, years later, Joe tells Bob that he was going home to commit suicide on the day that they met. He had cleaned out his locker, and that is why his arms were full of things. That random act of kindness from Bob was enough to show him that life was worth living. If Bob had just kept walking, Joe would be dead.
So after reading this very touching story which i think has been going through the inboxes of everyone for generations, I was thinking about how you have an impact on everyone you encounter. I know a lot of them are not nearly as huge as that. Giving a smile to someone you pass on the street, for example, will more than likely not be a life-altering experience for either you or the stranger you pass.
If someone you dont know very well, or at all for that matter, or anyone that isn't in the position where they feel that it is their duty to make you feel good about yourself, were to come up to you out of nowhere and compliment you, you would probably feel pretty good about yourself. You would go "Yeah, these shoes are pretty cool, aren't they?" There's something about a stranger going out of their way to say something nice about you that makes it so much more satisfying. They may not have changed your outlook on life, but they could very well have made your day.
And if you think about it like that, would it not be terribly cruel to make some random remark of disgust when passing someone on the street? Shouldn't we think twice before judging people and voicing our opinions about them? You can ruin someone's day as easily as you can make it, and you don't even know these people. We have a lot of responsibility that we don't really even realize we have. It's kind of creepy, the effect you can have on strangers that you have never seen before and probably will never see again.
So, i guess the point of this blog is that being nice does not hurt anyone, if anything it makes people better, and considering people's feelings before you say something cruel is always a good idea. If you see someone having difficulties and think "I wonder if they need help.." they probably do, and an offer never hurt anyone, even if they refuse. You never know who's life you could be saving...
I read a story today. I've read it before, but when I read it today, it made me think. Not like you didn't see that phrase comming, "It made me think". I probably use that in almost all of my blogs. Which makes sense, blogs are inspired by thoughts. But anyways..
The story was about this boy, we'll call him Joe. So Joe was walking home from school, carrying an armload of stuff, and dropped it all on the sidewalk. There happened to be another boy walking past him at the time, who I will call Bob because I am unable to think of creative names. Bob stopped and helped Joe pick up his things. They ended up becomming great friends. And then, years later, Joe tells Bob that he was going home to commit suicide on the day that they met. He had cleaned out his locker, and that is why his arms were full of things. That random act of kindness from Bob was enough to show him that life was worth living. If Bob had just kept walking, Joe would be dead.
So after reading this very touching story which i think has been going through the inboxes of everyone for generations, I was thinking about how you have an impact on everyone you encounter. I know a lot of them are not nearly as huge as that. Giving a smile to someone you pass on the street, for example, will more than likely not be a life-altering experience for either you or the stranger you pass.
If someone you dont know very well, or at all for that matter, or anyone that isn't in the position where they feel that it is their duty to make you feel good about yourself, were to come up to you out of nowhere and compliment you, you would probably feel pretty good about yourself. You would go "Yeah, these shoes are pretty cool, aren't they?" There's something about a stranger going out of their way to say something nice about you that makes it so much more satisfying. They may not have changed your outlook on life, but they could very well have made your day.
And if you think about it like that, would it not be terribly cruel to make some random remark of disgust when passing someone on the street? Shouldn't we think twice before judging people and voicing our opinions about them? You can ruin someone's day as easily as you can make it, and you don't even know these people. We have a lot of responsibility that we don't really even realize we have. It's kind of creepy, the effect you can have on strangers that you have never seen before and probably will never see again.
So, i guess the point of this blog is that being nice does not hurt anyone, if anything it makes people better, and considering people's feelings before you say something cruel is always a good idea. If you see someone having difficulties and think "I wonder if they need help.." they probably do, and an offer never hurt anyone, even if they refuse. You never know who's life you could be saving...
Another old myspace blog...
So I was thinking.. I think alot, you see.. which i suppose is a good thing because if I didnt think I would be in some sort of a vegetative state and that would not be cool. Because when you have carrot fingers, blogging would become quite difficult, especially if said carrots were cooked...
But anyways, I was thinking about dreams. And not the kind of dream where you want to be a doctor when you grow up, or the kinds of dreams that you share with a signifigant other along with your hopes. No, just the dreams that pop up when you fall asleep and your mind turns off, but it really doesnt turn off, its like.. the little guy in your head that controlls your mind falls asleep with you, and now your mind has the freedom to do whatever the hell it wants.
Dreams have got to be the most interesting and confusing things ever. I dont think anyone really understands why you have them, or at least why they're so strange. And what's with this everything making sense business? You make up rediculous things but, of course, that's so-and-so, even though they look completely different, and DUH we're in school, even though there isnt a classroom to be found.
Like whenever I dream that I'm in my house, and I go downstairs, theres always this like.. secret room under the stairs, with a couch and a tv and a wooden chest full of things from when my parents were little. But I can't usually get into it, there isnt even a door. I can see through the wall, and all I really want to do is get into that damn room and look through that chest and sit on that huge couch. But am I allowed to? no, i am not. Do I find that strange in any way, shape, or form? Of course not, why should I?
Some people say that what you dream about is what you really want, deep down inside. And I mean.. sometimes I get that. I've had many a dream that I wish was real when I wake up. But I really wouldn't be too fond of a secret room down here that I couldnt get into. It's not like I wake up in the morning and go "Damn, the things I would give to have that amazing room.." And what about nightmares? I certainly don't want that. Sure, paralyze me as soon as I need to run from a serial killer, that sounds like a barrel of monkeys to me...
And then theres the famous falling dream. Some people say that if you just let yourself land, you'll never have that dream again. But then theres other people who say that when you finally land, you die. And that, my friends, is not the most pleasant of thoughts. I can't remember if i ever let myself land. I think i did, because I havent had that dream in years. And as far as I know I'm still alive and kickin'. Well, alive at least, I think the whole kicking thing has gone down once the dreams went away...
I think I'm done this blog.. I may continue it some day in the future, if and when I think of some more intreresting dream thoughts. Dreams are cool. I like dreams.
So I was thinking.. I think alot, you see.. which i suppose is a good thing because if I didnt think I would be in some sort of a vegetative state and that would not be cool. Because when you have carrot fingers, blogging would become quite difficult, especially if said carrots were cooked...
But anyways, I was thinking about dreams. And not the kind of dream where you want to be a doctor when you grow up, or the kinds of dreams that you share with a signifigant other along with your hopes. No, just the dreams that pop up when you fall asleep and your mind turns off, but it really doesnt turn off, its like.. the little guy in your head that controlls your mind falls asleep with you, and now your mind has the freedom to do whatever the hell it wants.
Dreams have got to be the most interesting and confusing things ever. I dont think anyone really understands why you have them, or at least why they're so strange. And what's with this everything making sense business? You make up rediculous things but, of course, that's so-and-so, even though they look completely different, and DUH we're in school, even though there isnt a classroom to be found.
Like whenever I dream that I'm in my house, and I go downstairs, theres always this like.. secret room under the stairs, with a couch and a tv and a wooden chest full of things from when my parents were little. But I can't usually get into it, there isnt even a door. I can see through the wall, and all I really want to do is get into that damn room and look through that chest and sit on that huge couch. But am I allowed to? no, i am not. Do I find that strange in any way, shape, or form? Of course not, why should I?
Some people say that what you dream about is what you really want, deep down inside. And I mean.. sometimes I get that. I've had many a dream that I wish was real when I wake up. But I really wouldn't be too fond of a secret room down here that I couldnt get into. It's not like I wake up in the morning and go "Damn, the things I would give to have that amazing room.." And what about nightmares? I certainly don't want that. Sure, paralyze me as soon as I need to run from a serial killer, that sounds like a barrel of monkeys to me...
And then theres the famous falling dream. Some people say that if you just let yourself land, you'll never have that dream again. But then theres other people who say that when you finally land, you die. And that, my friends, is not the most pleasant of thoughts. I can't remember if i ever let myself land. I think i did, because I havent had that dream in years. And as far as I know I'm still alive and kickin'. Well, alive at least, I think the whole kicking thing has gone down once the dreams went away...
I think I'm done this blog.. I may continue it some day in the future, if and when I think of some more intreresting dream thoughts. Dreams are cool. I like dreams.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Living Without Regrets
This is a blog I posted on myspace in October, at around 3 in the morning. I normally wouldnt mention the time of posting, but it ties into this one. Enjoy.
So I was reading this survey that asked "If you could go back in time what would you change?"
This question.. when your mind thinks its 4 in the morning... really makes you think. Because my answer to that is.. absolutely nothing. Yes, that's right. This whole living without regrets thing is starting to make sense to me. I think thats because I have this underlying layer of happiness all the time now. Yeah, things make me sad, and I'm never at a loss for things to complain about. But still.. I'm always happy.
And I think the way you feel at the exact moment that someone asks you that question really effects your answer. I guess it also has something to do with whether or not you think everything is connected. Like choosing a bagel for breakfast instead of cereal somehow caused you to trip in the hall at lunch (which is a fairly lame example on my part.. but i think that gets the point across...) So assuming that you believe this theory (which I think i do..) and assuming you're generally happy at the moment.. your answer would probably be something like mine. Nothing. Because obviously all of those stupid things in your past stacked up and made something awesome that you wouldnt give up for the world. You couldnt bare to risk losing the situation you are in at that very moment in exchange for patching something up that was probably long forgotten.
Now, still assuming you believe in the theory, but instead of happy, you're depressed, or mad. Chances are you're regretting a lot of things. You're thinking that if you just did one thing differently, your life would be perfect. Everything would have fallen into place like it was supposed to and you wouldnt be sitting there depressed, regretting every stupid mistake of your past.
But the thing about that is... the happy people were once depressed too. They had regrets. But then something happened. Something that made them so happy that they realized that regretting things in your past is pointless. And in my half-asleep state of mind right now, i'm going to say the thing that made me so mad not so long ago. And that would be.. Live with no regrets. You can curse your past as much as you want, but thats not going to change anything. Live in the moment, work for happiness, and do what you think is right.
But now that I'm sounding like an over dramatic inspirational speaker, this blog will come to an end. You have now all gotten a taste of the sleepy steph who thinks way too much. Congratulations.
So I was reading this survey that asked "If you could go back in time what would you change?"
This question.. when your mind thinks its 4 in the morning... really makes you think. Because my answer to that is.. absolutely nothing. Yes, that's right. This whole living without regrets thing is starting to make sense to me. I think thats because I have this underlying layer of happiness all the time now. Yeah, things make me sad, and I'm never at a loss for things to complain about. But still.. I'm always happy.
And I think the way you feel at the exact moment that someone asks you that question really effects your answer. I guess it also has something to do with whether or not you think everything is connected. Like choosing a bagel for breakfast instead of cereal somehow caused you to trip in the hall at lunch (which is a fairly lame example on my part.. but i think that gets the point across...) So assuming that you believe this theory (which I think i do..) and assuming you're generally happy at the moment.. your answer would probably be something like mine. Nothing. Because obviously all of those stupid things in your past stacked up and made something awesome that you wouldnt give up for the world. You couldnt bare to risk losing the situation you are in at that very moment in exchange for patching something up that was probably long forgotten.
Now, still assuming you believe in the theory, but instead of happy, you're depressed, or mad. Chances are you're regretting a lot of things. You're thinking that if you just did one thing differently, your life would be perfect. Everything would have fallen into place like it was supposed to and you wouldnt be sitting there depressed, regretting every stupid mistake of your past.
But the thing about that is... the happy people were once depressed too. They had regrets. But then something happened. Something that made them so happy that they realized that regretting things in your past is pointless. And in my half-asleep state of mind right now, i'm going to say the thing that made me so mad not so long ago. And that would be.. Live with no regrets. You can curse your past as much as you want, but thats not going to change anything. Live in the moment, work for happiness, and do what you think is right.
But now that I'm sounding like an over dramatic inspirational speaker, this blog will come to an end. You have now all gotten a taste of the sleepy steph who thinks way too much. Congratulations.
First blog on here, expect much better than this.
So, I've decided to venture away from myspace in my blogging. Mainly because I want to have more people read what I have to say without running the risk of some old man stalking me in the process. And also because I have some non-myspace friends who have shown interest in my "good blogs" who I guess would like to read them. And this is how they can do that.
I don't really know how this site works yet. I don't even know if anyone will read this blog. I hope that if you are some kind stranger you will realize that this will probably be my worst blog, because it doesn't really have a point. But my other blogs will be much better and continuing to visit this page would probably not hurt you.
I've decided to remain fairly annonymous on this blog. Because I, again, am not fond of old man stalkers following me because I've revealed too much on this goshforsaken thing. That would really be quite unfortunate.
So I think my first few posts very well may be old myspace posts that I am particularily fond of, and probably some new ones as well. All of my myspace posts will end up on here, but not all of the posts on here will also be on myspace. If that makes sense.
My goal in the long run is to get my own domain, and have my own blog altogether, but I want to gain some readers first. Hopefully I can do that. So, if you like what I write, it would be greatly appreciated if you subscribed. Expect more interesting posts soon.
I don't really know how this site works yet. I don't even know if anyone will read this blog. I hope that if you are some kind stranger you will realize that this will probably be my worst blog, because it doesn't really have a point. But my other blogs will be much better and continuing to visit this page would probably not hurt you.
I've decided to remain fairly annonymous on this blog. Because I, again, am not fond of old man stalkers following me because I've revealed too much on this goshforsaken thing. That would really be quite unfortunate.
So I think my first few posts very well may be old myspace posts that I am particularily fond of, and probably some new ones as well. All of my myspace posts will end up on here, but not all of the posts on here will also be on myspace. If that makes sense.
My goal in the long run is to get my own domain, and have my own blog altogether, but I want to gain some readers first. Hopefully I can do that. So, if you like what I write, it would be greatly appreciated if you subscribed. Expect more interesting posts soon.
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