Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Humorous Math Terms

Because I am a slightly nerdy person, I was just thinking about math. No, not about the Pythagorean theorem or the quadratic formula, just about words. There are some words used by the mathematically gifted that make you wonder why the inventor of said terms did not put more focus on their English. After saying them once or twice it is clear that they do not sound intelligent at all, but merely quite ridiculous. Here are some terms I can think of off the top of my head (although I guarantee there are many more, that may be added on a later date.)

1. Sinusoidal
This word makes me irritated, because it is almost impossible to say it in a normal voice. The speaker of this word almost always gains a nasal tone. Sine-you-SOY-Dal. (unplug your nose...)Sinusoidal.

2. Logarithm
Now I suppose there is nothing wrong with this word, and it is just me and my active imagination taking over. Wherever I hear or read the word "logarithm", I instantly get an image in my head of a freshly chopped log dancing around to a steady beat. (Log-rhythm, if that was confusing.)

3. Asymptote
I think it was my very own math teacher that really ruined this wonderful word for me (Though it wasn't much better without her help...) Even though the P is clearly positioned before the T, she insists on pronouncing it "ASS-IM-TOPE" (or, as I like to say, "ass-in-tope"). Now this was fine, until the first time I heard her say "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT TOUCH THE ASS-IN-TOPE!"
You can only imagine my reaction. (i.e.: giggling immaturely)

And now I have a question for you: What is the most rediculous word you have ever heard, and what do you think of when you hear it?


Anonymous said...

Aww man, lol I finally have spare time to burn..and I planned to read these and I am now. I'm yet to read the other ones, but this one was very professional :P Such strong sentence structure! I had a vision of Mrs.Maffenbier pointing at a white board (I've never been in that room)saying "ASS-IN-TOPE" I wonder if I'll learn that.. we're going to learn logarithmic equations..and solving them on our calcs. soon..and so will you next year! Adventures in AMA40S..awwww yeah. Time for the next blog.

Anonymous said...

I liked it. Strangest word? Um.. i dont know. How about all the names of stomachs in a ruminant. I dont remember them, but those are tricky man.