Another old myspace blog...
So I was thinking.. I think alot, you see.. which i suppose is a good thing because if I didnt think I would be in some sort of a vegetative state and that would not be cool. Because when you have carrot fingers, blogging would become quite difficult, especially if said carrots were cooked...
But anyways, I was thinking about dreams. And not the kind of dream where you want to be a doctor when you grow up, or the kinds of dreams that you share with a signifigant other along with your hopes. No, just the dreams that pop up when you fall asleep and your mind turns off, but it really doesnt turn off, its like.. the little guy in your head that controlls your mind falls asleep with you, and now your mind has the freedom to do whatever the hell it wants.
Dreams have got to be the most interesting and confusing things ever. I dont think anyone really understands why you have them, or at least why they're so strange. And what's with this everything making sense business? You make up rediculous things but, of course, that's so-and-so, even though they look completely different, and DUH we're in school, even though there isnt a classroom to be found.
Like whenever I dream that I'm in my house, and I go downstairs, theres always this like.. secret room under the stairs, with a couch and a tv and a wooden chest full of things from when my parents were little. But I can't usually get into it, there isnt even a door. I can see through the wall, and all I really want to do is get into that damn room and look through that chest and sit on that huge couch. But am I allowed to? no, i am not. Do I find that strange in any way, shape, or form? Of course not, why should I?
Some people say that what you dream about is what you really want, deep down inside. And I mean.. sometimes I get that. I've had many a dream that I wish was real when I wake up. But I really wouldn't be too fond of a secret room down here that I couldnt get into. It's not like I wake up in the morning and go "Damn, the things I would give to have that amazing room.." And what about nightmares? I certainly don't want that. Sure, paralyze me as soon as I need to run from a serial killer, that sounds like a barrel of monkeys to me...
And then theres the famous falling dream. Some people say that if you just let yourself land, you'll never have that dream again. But then theres other people who say that when you finally land, you die. And that, my friends, is not the most pleasant of thoughts. I can't remember if i ever let myself land. I think i did, because I havent had that dream in years. And as far as I know I'm still alive and kickin'. Well, alive at least, I think the whole kicking thing has gone down once the dreams went away...
I think I'm done this blog.. I may continue it some day in the future, if and when I think of some more intreresting dream thoughts. Dreams are cool. I like dreams.
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