Monday, March 12, 2007

What the Time Change Means to Me...

This is my first non-myspace blog ever! I'm trying to not blog so seriously all the time, although I'm not sure how well that's working. Let me know what you think..

Today was the first "real" day after the unfortunate clock-changing experience on Saturday night. It was a long day. But when I walked out into the first warm day in what's felt like forever, an instant feeling of Spring came over me. Supper was eaten while the sun was still in plain view, and that annoying glare was still on the TV when Everybody Loves Raymond came on. When I realized that Spring was upon us, another thought struck me. A dreaded thought that I knew was comming but am never really prepared for. And that thought was... It's time to shave my legs.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do not lock up the razor all winter. I do shave when I am starting to feel like I will never be a female again if I let this go on. But those gender-defining moments are nothing like the end-of-winter, make-sure-you-do-a-good-job-of-it experiences.
So, after supper, when the sun was still shining, I went and got a brand new 2-blade bulk razor from the handy resealable bag that my mom so kindly purchased for me. I told myself that it would all be worth it in the end, and went ahead and did it.
Now let me tell you, 2-blade disposable razors, though claiming to be wonderfully designed with you in mind, do not live up to their promises. A long battle for smoothness ensued, but after a good half hour, I walked out of the shower in one piece, having left not one drop of warm water behind. It wasn't all fun and games though, as I did end up with a few battle scars which have now been doctored and are already showing signs of recovery.
And now I sit here, relieved that this ordeal is over, and kicking my legs back and forth so my pyjama pants will billow over my extremely smooth and touchable legs.


Anonymous said...

hah stef i love ur blogs!

Anonymous said...

New site, same steph. <3 which is awesome. That was really funny.. and did also remind me of how spring-ish it is! :O haha. But you're gonna be an amazing blogger. wait! you already are! <3 - love ryan

Anonymous said...

hahah shaving. I hate it >:c but it must be done. I'm looking forward to more blogs.

Anonymous said...

whoa, i waited all day for that. hehe jk, i like what you've got going on here S&%^$.

Anonymous said...

nice, this blog was grand, cept worth more! awe. haha im likin' this "blogging more often" stef. :)

Anonymous said...

Aww man that glare on the tv in the spring/summer..that is's like you have to seal the windows off if you want to watch something geez. This has inspired me to shave my legs also..although I did the big finale like a month ago..after not shaving since like September..such long hair! but the time has come comments on here are so long, it's embarassing :P hopefully you don't mind..heh. I went and got a brand new 2-blade bulk razor from the handy resealable bag that my mom so kindly purchased for me. "..I told myself that it would all be worth it in the end, and went ahead and did it." that reminded me so much of those funny stories on those becoming a girl sites..where they have their first shave ever.."To shave or NOT to shave?"..but this clearly isn't about your first time shaving..2007 shave perhaps..I'm going to stop typing now! another well written blog.

Anonymous said...

the quotes around the part of your blog I tried to quote don't seem to be showing pretend they are there :D